5 benefits of acoustic panels in schools
5 benefits of acoustic panels in schools
For many years’ schools have been using acoustic materials such as Frontrunner, Autex, Mammoth and others to line the walls of their learning spaces and classrooms. Part of this fast rise in popularity has been due to the multiple benefits to the school and users. In this article we unpack the top 5 benefits.
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1) Lower teacher & student stress
A well acoustically designed classroom can reduce reverberation & echo’s by up to 75%. This dampening has a profound impact on the stress levels of staff and children working in the area all day long. In 2012 research covered in ‘The Essex Study’ researchers reported ‘All teachers commented on the improved working environment and noted better classroom behaviour and comprehension’ when working in a classroom with optimised acoustics.
2) Greater retention of information
Humans aren’t great listeners at the best of times and poor acoustics only makes this worse. By improving the acoustics in the learning environment with some serious sound absorbing products, students retain significantly more information than they would otherwise.
3) Aesthetic design
Modern classrooms are increasingly using acoustic solutions as a part of the design of the space. A good acoustic design and installation company can use a combination of shapes, colours and textures to take a dull area and transform it into a vibrant modern learning environment.
4) Hard wearing
School walls and surfaces get a very hard time from constant wear and tear of the students. For a school wanting to maintain its presentation to a high level, this means either regularly decorating or installing guards and barriers in strategic positions. A good quality acoustic panel can prevent this wear and tear and remain looking sharp for 10 to 15 years in some cases.
5) Pin Boards
A school is not a school without significant amount of motivational posters, artworks and other objects pinned onto the walls. Unfortunately, this leads to myriads of unsightly small holes and blemishes on the walls. Acoustic panels provide a surface that can be infinitely pinned and repined without impacting in the look of the surface.
Having a good amount of dampening and sound absorbing wall panels in your classroom or learning centre brings many benefits. Work with a good acoustic installer to develop something that’s both functional and highly aesthetic and then reap the reward of greater learning and improved behaviour.